The Lure of Montague
The Lure of Montague includes stories about the construction of the lighthouse and the keepers’ residences, about living on Montague and the difficulties families had in receiving supplies, Montague’s Navy station, and the impact of a remarkable woman Judith Cassell in her determination to conserve the island’s seabirds, Little Penguins and seals.
It also tells of many characters associated with Montague over the years, including Ian Cameron whose association with Montague went back over 80 years to when his father was a lightkeeper culminating in Ian being in charge of lighthouse maintenance in NSW.
There are also stories about the island’s cunning horse that preferred swimming to the mainland to working, and the formation of the first gamefishing club in Australia at a camp on Montague.
More recent history includes the community’s fight in the 1980s to keep Montague’s lightstation manned and the Light mechanism in Narooma, the Commonwealth handing the island’s management over to the National Parks and Wildlife Service of NSW, and its subsequent challenges.
90 pages, 103 images (including maps). Cost $30, plus $3 p&p.